E-Scooter Prices Soaring from April! Buy Now and Save Big!

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Manoj Kumar

Thinking of ditching your petrol scooter for a swanky electric two-wheeler? Hold on a minute! The Indian government’s recently announced Electric Mobility Promotion Scheme 2024 (EMPS) might throw a curveball at your plans. While the scheme aims to boost electric vehicle adoption, it also brings a potential price hike for electric two-wheelers.

EMPS 2024: Less Subsidy, More Outlay?

The scheme, launched by the Ministry of Heavy Industries, offers financial support for buying electric two-wheelers and three-wheelers. But here’s the catch: the good folks at ICRA (Investment Information and Credit Rating Agency) predict a significant rise in upfront costs for electric two-wheelers compared to the previous FAME 2 scheme.

Why the Price Hike? Buckle Up for Subsidy Reduction

The culprit? A reduction in subsidies offered under EMPS 2024. FAME 2 provided a subsidy of Rs 10,000 per kWh battery capacity, whereas EMPS 2024 slashes it down to Rs 5,000 per kWh. This translates to a maximum benefit of Rs 10,000 per vehicle – a significant drop compared to FAME 2.

The Math Behind the Hike: More Expensive Than Petrol Scooters?

ICRA estimates that this subsidy cut will translate to a roughly two-thirds increase in the initial purchase cost for electric two-wheelers. Yikes! This could make electric two-wheelers a whopping 70% more expensive than their petrol-powered counterparts.

Payback Period: Will You Break Even Slower?

Another potential downside: the payback period for electric two-wheelers might stretch to 5.5 years under EMPS 2024, compared to 5 years under FAME 2. This assumes that manufacturers fully pass on the reduced subsidy to consumers through price hikes.

So, is Going Electric Still Worth It? A Glimpse of Hope

Despite the cost concerns, ICRA maintains a positive outlook for the electric two-wheeler segment in the long run. Here’s why:

  • Lower Ownership Costs in the Long Run: While the initial purchase price might be higher, electric two-wheelers generally have lower running costs compared to petrol vehicles. Electricity is cheaper than petrol, and electric bikes require less maintenance.
  • Safety First: Electric two-wheelers often come equipped with advanced braking systems and other safety features, offering peace of mind to riders.
  • Extended Range: Newer electric two-wheelers boast impressive ranges, reducing the anxiety of running out of juice in the middle of your commute.

The Takeaway: A Calculated Choice

The new EMPS 2024 might lead to a temporary price rise for electric two-wheelers in India. However, the long-term benefits of lower ownership costs, safety advantages, and improved range shouldn’t be ignored. Carefully weigh the initial investment against the potential savings and environmental benefits before making a decision. Remember, going electric might still be the smarter choice in the long run!

Thinking of Buying an Electric Two-Wheeler? Here’s a Handy Table to Help You Decide

Factor Electric Two-Wheeler Petrol Two-Wheeler
Initial Cost Potentially higher due to reduced subsidy under EMPS 2024 Lower
Running Cost Lower – Electricity is generally cheaper than petrol Higher – Petrol prices are constantly on the rise
Maintenance Lower – Electric vehicles require less frequent servicing Higher – Regular servicing and part replacements are needed
Safety Often equipped with advanced braking systems May have basic braking systems
Range Newer models offer impressive ranges Limited by fuel tank capacity
Environment Eco-friendly – produces zero tailpipe emissions Contributes to air pollution

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Manoj Kumar के बारे में
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Manoj Kumar My name is Manoj Kumar Lodh. I have been passionate about writing since childhood. I love to learn about new things happening in the country and the world and to research them. I have been writing articles since 2021, researching and writing articles on health, government schemes, and technology topics. I work very hard to write content so that you can get the right information. Thank you." Read More
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