Safety features in bike, These safety features are not only in car but also in bike



Safety features in the bike: Be it wet road or mud lying on the road or sudden braking. In all these cases the risk of the bike slipping is very high. Just as special features are added to vehicles for the safety of customers, similarly safety features are being added to bikes too. Before buying a new bike, know what are those special features?


CBS stands for Combined Braking System, bikes that do not have this feature have separate brakes on both sides for each wheel. But in whichever bike this feature is added, the left side brake is connected to both the wheels. This is the reason that by just pressing the left brake, both the wheels of the bike stop simultaneously.


Safety features like anti-lock braking system are very important in the bike. Many times the bike slips when the brakes are applied suddenly, but to prevent this from happening, safety features like ABS have been included in it.

Traction control

This safety feature available in the bike helps in better control of the bike running on the road. Often, the chances of the bike slipping on wet roads or mud are high, which is why this feature is being included in the bike. This feature helps in preventing the bike from slipping and also provides excellent handling and grip.

Yogesh के बारे में
Yogesh My name is Yogesh. I am from Gurugram, Haryana. I am English Writer. I have One year experience in this field. I likes write a gadgets, automobiles and other news. I have worked on many websites. And now I am working on My duty is to deliver news about automobiles to the people. Read More
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