Fake vote will be cancelled, Linking Aadhaar Card with Voter ID for Smooth Lok Sabha Elections

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Priyanka Singh

New Delhi: With the Lok Sabha elections bugle blaring across the nation, both political parties and the Election Commission are gearing up for a smooth and secure voting process. A critical aspect of this is ensuring voter identity and eliminating the possibility of fraudulent voting. Here’s where linking your Aadhaar card with your Voter ID becomes crucial.

Why Link Aadhaar with Voter ID? A Win-Win for Voters and Democracy

The Election Commission is actively encouraging all voters to link their Aadhaar card with their Voter ID. This seemingly simple step packs a powerful punch:

  • Combating Duplicate Voting: Linking Aadhaar, a unique biometric identification system, with Voter ID helps weed out duplicate voter registrations, ensuring each eligible citizen casts only one vote.
  • Strengthening Electoral Integrity: By eliminating the possibility of fake votes, Aadhaar-Voter ID linking strengthens the very foundation of our democratic elections, fostering a fair and transparent process.
  • Seamless Voting Experience: A linked Aadhaar card can streamline the voting process at polling booths, minimizing delays and inconveniences.

Ready to Link Your Aadhaar with Voter ID? Here’s a User-Friendly Guide

The process of linking your Aadhaar card with your Voter ID is straightforward and can be done online or offline. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Online Linking (National Voter Service Portal):

  1. Head over to the official National Voter Service Portal: Open your web browser and navigate to https://voters.eci.gov.in/.
  2. Login (if already registered): If you’ve previously registered on the portal, enter your registered mobile number, password, and the displayed captcha code. Click “Login” to proceed.
  3. Register (if new user): New users can click on the “Sign Up” option. Here, you’ll need to enter your mobile number, the captcha code, and then initiate the process by clicking “Send OTP.” Verify the one-time password received on your mobile phone.
  4. Complete Registration: Fill in the required details like your EPIC number (printed on your Voter ID), create a secure password, and click “Register” to complete the registration process.
  5. Link Your Aadhaar: Once logged in, locate the option labeled “Form 6B” (linking of Aadhaar with Voter ID). You’ll be prompted to enter your EPIC number and a system-generated pin. Click on “Verify” to proceed.
  6. Fill and Submit: The portal will display a pre-filled form with your voter details. Double-check for accuracy and submit the form electronically.

Offline Linking (Through Booth Level Officer):

  1. Visit Your Polling Booth: Locate your designated polling booth and visit it during working hours.
  2. Meet the Booth Level Officer (BLO): Inform the BLO of your intention to link your Aadhaar card with your Voter ID.
  3. Provide Required Documents: Carry a valid photo ID proof (preferably your Voter ID) and your original Aadhaar card for verification purposes.
  4. Submit Form 6B: The BLO will provide you with Form 6B (linking of Aadhaar with Voter ID). Fill out the form carefully and submit it to the officer.

Important Reminders:

  • Ensure you have a valid mobile number linked to both your Aadhaar card and Voter ID for seamless online registration or OTP verification.
  • Double-check all details entered in the online form or Form 6B before submission to avoid any delays in processing.
  • Keep a copy of the acknowledgement slip or receipt received after successful online submission or offline application submission at the polling booth.

Beyond the Basics: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • What if I don’t have an Aadhaar card? While not mandatory yet, linking your Aadhaar with Voter ID is highly recommended.
  • Is my vote invalid if I don’t link my Aadhaar? Currently, your vote remains valid even without Aadhaar linking. However, it’s strongly encouraged to contribute to a more secure and efficient electoral process.
  • How long does it take for Aadhaar-Voter ID linking to be processed? The processing time can vary, but it typically takes a few weeks for confirmation.

Be an Active Participant: Link Your Aadhaar and Strengthen Democracy

By linking your Aadhaar card with your Voter ID, you’re not just ensuring a smooth voting experience for yourself; you’re actively contributing to a more secure and trustworthy electoral system. So, take a proactive step towards a stronger democracy – link your Aadhaar card today!

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