Temperature below 0°! Schools will remain close for over a month


Pritam Santra

School Winter Vacation : Winter vacations have been announced in Uttarakhand. This choice has been made considering the geographical position of the mountainous state and the onset of cold weather. As a result of snow in the elevated Himalayan areas, normal life has been disturbed, and temperatures have begun to drop below zero. In this scenario, prioritizing the safety of students and teachers, the decision has been made to remain closed for over a month.

Vacations will take place from December 25 to January 31

In Uttarakhand’s hilly regions, school vacations will take place from December 25 to January 31. Almora Chief Education Officer Atresh Sayana announced that all schools in the district’s cold-affected regions will stay closed during this time.

Classes will resume from February 1

Classes will restart on 1 February. Though in certain regions of the state with extended summer breaks, winter vacations will take place only from January 1 to January 15.

Summer vacations are briefer in cold mountainous regions

In comparably hotter regions, summer vacations extend beyond a month, resulting in shorter winter breaks. In cold mountainous regions, summer vacations are briefer, thus a more extended winter break has been provided. Winter has brought snowfall to the elevated regions of Uttarakhand. Because of chilly winds and low temperatures in these regions, children encounter significant challenges in attending school. The state education department has addressed this challenge earnestly and has published the holiday schedule.

The identical regulations have been enforced in Almora district along with other mountainous districts. In urban school districts where the impact of cold weather is comparatively minimal, the length of holiday breaks has been restricted.
