Monsoon Update – IMD Issues Heavy Rainfall Alert For 7 States for next 2 Days, Check Forecast


Priyanka Singh

Weather Update: As soon as December began, Heavy rain and snow fell in the western Himalayan region. The temperature in North India dropped sharply. The outbreak of cold is continuously increasing in India. The temperature has dropped from the mountains to the plains. Along with severe cold, dense fog is being seen in many areas. Due to snowfall in the mountains, frost has also started falling. Many routes are also blocked.

On the other hand, rain and storms are possible in many parts of the Bay of Bengal. Severe cold is also present in many parts of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Rajasthan. Meanwhile, the Meteorological Department has issued an alert regarding snowfall in some areas.

Cold wave warnings in these states

The IMD has issued a warning for cold waves, dense fo,g and frost. The Meteorological Department has warned of severe cold waves in many parts till December 24 cold wave in Punjab and Rajasthan. According to the Meteorological Department, dense fog is expected in Punjab, Haryana, Assam and Meghalaya till December 22.

In addition, a cold wave and dense fog are expected in West Bengal, Sikkim, Bihar, East Rajasthan, Jharkhand, and Himachal Pradesh until December 22. According to the Meteorological Department, frost is expected in Himachal Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, and Meghalaya. Frost is also expected in many Punjab, Haryana, and North Rajasthan areas.

Heavy rain alerts in these states

According to the Meteorological Department, an alert regarding heavy rain in Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu has been issued. On Saturday evening, this system will be about 370 km east-northeast of Chennai, 450 km south of Visakhapatnam and 640 km south-southwest of Gopalpur.

The forecasts predict that it will move towards the north-northeast today. Light to moderate rain is expected in Andhra Pradesh. Heavy rains are predicted to occur in different coastal areas tonight. Similarly, there will be light to moderate rains in Odisha.
