Ganesh Chaturthi 2024: According to the Hindu calendar, Ganesh Utsav starts from the Chaturthi date of Shukla Paksha of Bhadrapada month. Every year Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated with great pomp across the country.

On this day people bring Bappa to their home and establish him in their homes with full rituals. After this, people celebrate the festival by keeping Bappa in their homes for 10 days.

Maharashtra and Gujarat celebrate Ganesh Chaturthi with great pomp. During Ganesh Chaturthi, Ganesh ji is worshiped with rituals for these 10 days and various types of offerings are offered to him.

Ganesh Puja Mantra- ॥ Om Gan Ganpataye Namah ॥ Chant this mantra. So let’s know the date of installation, auspicious time, worship method. Ganesh Chaturthi Tithi And Muhurat
This year, the Chaturthi Tithi of Shukla Paksha will start at 3:01 p.m.

on September 6 and end at 5:37 p.m. on September 7. The Udaya Tithi predicts that Ganesh Chaturthi will take place on Saturday, 7 September.

How Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated

On this day, devotees of Bappa bring him to their homes with enormous pomp and show and worship Ganesha in the morning and evening.

The whole atmosphere resonates with the sound of drums and the chanting of Ganpati Bappa Morya. The house seats Bappa for one to ten days. During this time, Bappa should refrain from repeatedly changing the location of his idol.

Ganesh Chaturthi Special Bhog

1. Laddoo-

Laddoo is offered to Lord Ganesha. You can provide Ganesha with laddus made of gram flour or boondi.

2. Modak-

Bappa likes modak very much. It is believed that in his childhood, Ganesh ji used to finish the modaks made by his mother Parvati in a moment.

Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Muhurat

According to the Hindi calendar, you can start worshipping Ganpati ji on Chaturthi at 11:03 am. This muhurta will last until 1:34 p.m.

Ganesh Chaturthi Pujan Vidhi

On Ganesh Chaturthi, wake up before sunrise and take a bath. Now clean the temple and sprinkle it with Gangajal. After this, bow to Lord Ganesha and rinse your mouth three times. Next, proceed to install the idol of Bappa. Now offer sacred thread, clothes, sandalwood, durva, incense, Akshat, lamp, yellow flowers and fruits to Lord Ganesha.

While worshiping, definitely offer 21 durva to Lord Ganesha. While offering Durva, chant the mantra ‘Shri Ganeshaya Namah Durvaankuran Samarpayami’. Offer Laddu and Modak to Lord Ganesha. After the puja, do Bappa Aarti and distribute Prasad to the housemates.

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