Bus, Auto & taxi fares increased, Check Here New Price inside


Priyanka Singh

Bus, Auto, and taxi fares increased: Today, most people travel by bus, Auto, and taxi, but now it will be expensive to travel by these means. The government will increase the fares, directly affecting the pockets of the ordinary people. On the one hand, in the inflation era, it is proving difficult for the middle class, especially the poor class, to manage household expenses.

On the other hand, the bus, auto and taxi fares will now increase. The Maharashtra government has also approved it. A decision has been taken to increase the fare of buses by up to 15 per cent, which has been implemented today with immediate effect.

This increase is considered a significant setback for the people of Maharashtra. There has also been a bumper increase in the fare of Auto taxis taxi in Mumbai. It has been decided to increase the basic fare of Auto from Rs 23 to Rs 26 directly. The rates of auto and taxi fares will be implemented starting next month, i.e., February 1, 2025. It is expected that the daily loss in transport will be compensated.

Women will continue to get tickets at half the price

Maharashtra Transport Minister Pratap Sarnaik said that even after the fare hike, women will still get tickets at half the price in government buses. This will not affect the discounts given to women. He said the travel system for older people will also come in the state. Taxi and auto fares have increased in Mumbai.

 The Maharashtra government take this shocking decision.

Maharashtra government has long considered increasing fares to compensate for losses in the transport department. After 30 months or two and a half years, the State Transport Authority held a meeting and approved this proposal.

Theo increased passenger fares was taken. This prop in this meeting. a State Road Transport Corporation, i.e. MSRTC,(and has)approved this proposal. Now, this will significantly increase the State Transport Authority.

In a meeting called by the State Transport Authority, the Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation informed the department about the daily loss. The meeting confirmed that a daily loss of about 2 to 3 crore rupees was incurred due to no increase in fares.
