If children do not feel like studying, then just do these small tasks in the evening!


Timesbull Desk

Vastu Tips: The problem of not being able to concentrate in studies has become a common problem nowadays. At the same time, due to lack of interest in studies, parents are also often worried. According to religious beliefs and astrology, especially Monday and Sunday are considered to be very effective.

The reason behind this is that they are associated with the planet Mercury and Lord Ganesha. At the same time, by doing some special measures on this day, not only children feel like studying, but also helps in doubling self-confidence and memory power.

Use the right colors in the study room

According to psychology, the study room has a deep impact on energy. Use light colors on the study table or in the room. These colors increase positive and concentration energy. At the same time, light green color and light brown symbolize the planet Mercury. These will prove to be helpful in maintaining the mental balance and knowledge balance of children. Put posters, inspirational paintings in the study room. For example, put a picture of Ganesh Lakshmi Ji, Vishnu Ji or Lord Kartikeya Ji at home.

Install Saraswati Ji Yantra with your own hands

Saraswati Ji Yantra should be installed in the room of children who do not feel like studying, especially on Monday or Sunday. Apart from this, take a white paper and make a Swastika symbol with turmeric on Sunday. By doing this remedy, memory power will increase daily and interest in reading and writing will also be awakened.

Tulsi leaves will be very useful

The person who consumes Tulsi leaves daily, his brain remains very sharp. All you have to do is start eating Tulsi leaves on Monday or Sunday at the auspicious time, all the health related problems will go away.
