Yamaha new electric bicycle became the first choice of children and old people, won everyone’s heart with its 120KM range



Yamaha Electric bicycle: Yamaha’s new electric cycle, became the first choice of children and old people, won everyone’s heart with its 120KM range. Yamaha Electric Cycle Hello friends, welcome to you. In today’s article, Yamaha, a company making two wheelers in the Indian market, has launched its electric cycle in the Indian market. It has been launched in the market, here you get to see a good range and powerful battery pickup with great features, so let us know the complete information about this electric bicycle coming from Yamaha, stay tuned till the end.

Yamaha bicycle range

In this electric bicycle coming from Yamaha Electric Cycle company, you are going to get a very big battery pack, along with this you get a range of 120 kilometers on a single charge, where it comes with IP68 protection so that your bicycle does not get damaged by water. and it will be no worse than dust.

Yamaha bicycle features

Talking about this electric bicycle coming from Yamaha Electric Cycle company, the company offers a large BLDC motor of about 600 watts in this bicycle, where it can be seen with a top speed of 45 kilometers per hour. Along with this, it gets a new powerful look with horn gear shift headlight which looks very powerful and attractive.

Yamaha Electric Cycle: This electric bicycle will be launched in the Indian market by 2026, although no official information has been revealed yet about the bicycle. When the electric bicycle will be launched, its price is going to be around ₹ 50000, although this information has been given to us by automobile experts. Till now, no official confirmation of any kind has been revealed from the company.

Kiyan के बारे में
Kiyan My name is kiyan, I am a resident of Rewari, Haryana. I am an English content writer. I like writing gadget, automobile and trending news. I have worked with many websites and now I am working with Timesbull.com here. My job is to spread automobile news to people. Read More
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