Breaking News: Papua New Guinea landslide death toll Rises 670, 150 houses are buried under debris



Papua New Guinea Massive Landslide: At least 670 people have died so far in the terrible landslide that occurred in Papua New Guinea on Friday.  While more than 150 houses are buried under the debris. This information was given by the United Nations (UN) on Sunday.

The landslide occurred in the village of Kaoklam in the Enga province of the South Pacific island nation. Around 3 a.m. on Friday, the hill slope broke and fell on the village, causing huge devastation. Local officials had previously estimated the death toll to be 100 or more. By Sunday, only five bodies and a leg of the sixth victim had been recovered.

Rescuers have given up hope of finding survivors in the 6 to 8 metres (20 to 26 feet) of deep debris. The Australian government has reported that more than six villages have been affected by the landslide. According to the United Nations Migration Agency (IOM), more than 100 houses, a primary school, small businesses and stalls, a guesthouse, and a petrol station were also buried under the debris.

“The situation is still very serious because the ground is still slipping. The water is flowing and it is posing a great danger to everyone,” said Aktoprak, who lives in Port Moresby.

This landslide is considered to be one of the worst natural disasters in the history of Papua New Guinea.Local officials had initially put the death toll on Friday at 100 or more. Till today, i.e., Sunday, only five bodies and a leg of the sixth victim had been recovered. Actoprak further told AFP that more than 1,000 people have been displaced from the once bustling village.

Here are some important points related to landslides:

Location: Papua New Guinea, Enga Province, Kaoklam Village
Time: Friday, May 24, 2024, 3 a.m.
Deceased: 670 (estimated)
Injured: Unknown
Affected villages: more than 6
Damaged houses: more than 150
Other damage: primary schools, small businesses, stalls, guesthouses, petrol stations

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