Car Driving Tips, If you want to drive in the mountains, keep these things in mind



Car Driving Tips : Never try to overtake another vehicle when you are on hills or mountains. Also, it is very important to drive slowly on hilly roads. The most important thing while driving on hills is how you are changing gears. Gravity works against the vehicle while climbing mountains, which slows down the vehicle.

Do not overtake

Overtaking is quite easy even on highways or urban roads. Never try to overtake another vehicle when you are on hills or mountains. Doing so can lead to an accident. Hilly roads are narrow and have tricky and hairpin turns, overtaking on such roads increases the risk of an accident.

Be careful while driving

Driving slowly on hilly roads is very important. Driving slowly will prevent you from losing control over the vehicle. Also, you will be able to enjoy the road and the surrounding environment a bit.

Drive in the right gear

The most important thing while driving on mountains is how you are changing gears. While climbing hills, gravity works against the vehicle, slowing it down. Hence, drive in low gears, where the torque output will be maximum. While descending, drive in first or second gear, as driving in low gears will ensure that the vehicle does not speed up and lose control.

Yogesh के बारे में
Yogesh My name is Yogesh. I am from Gurugram, Haryana. I am English Writer. I have One year experience in this field. I likes write a gadgets, automobiles and other news. I have worked on many websites. And now I am working on My duty is to deliver news about automobiles to the people. Read More
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