Vastu Tips: To become successful and wealthy, do not keep garbage in this corner of the house even by mistake!


Timesbull Desk

Vastu Tips: There are many things mentioned in Vastu Shastra, if you know about them, then many problems in life are almost eliminated from the root. In such a situation, today we will tell you that according to Vastu, which is the place where it is told that garbage should not be kept in this direction in the house even by mistake, otherwise many types of problems and problems can increase.

You must also know that in whichever house Vastu Dosh is there, many types of problems and troubles start happening there. But there are some tips, if you adopt them, then many types of Vastu Dosh can be easily removed. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you about them.

Do not keep garbage on this side

Never let garbage collect in the north-east direction of the house, because it is a symbol of inauspiciousness. Also, never keep any heavy thing on this side. Because you can also be a victim of Vastu Dosh. At the same time, many types of diseases and illnesses can also increase.

This should be the sleeping direction according to Vastu

According to Vastu, people who sleep facing south may have to face many problems in life. Therefore, one should not sleep facing south even by mistake. You can sleep in the north or east direction as per your wish, because this direction is auspicious. Also, sleeping facing this direction brings blessings of Goddess Lakshmi.

This should be the direction of the toilet

Whenever you are going to build a toilet, the proper direction of the house should always be the west or south direction, because if there is a washroom in this direction, then there is never a Vastu Dosh. At the same time, also keep in mind that the washroom should not be built in the north direction even by mistake. Otherwise, financial problems can increase and the person gradually becomes poor.
