Vastu Tips: Know if termites in the door are auspicious or inauspicious!


Timesbull Desk

Vastu Tips: If we talk about Vastu Shastra, then many things have been told in it, such as what kind of house a person should have according to Vastu and what kind it should not. At the same time, according to Vastu, termites in the house are inauspicious. This can cause many problems and problems in a person’s life. Termites are actually a kind of worm that eats wood and makes it hollow.


You must have also seen that termites can be found in the door frame, furniture and things related to wood in the house. Therefore, according to Vastu, termite can increase negativity and inauspiciousness up to two times. This can also create a situation of planetary conflict in the house.


In such a situation, let us know what problems can be caused by termites in the house:


– According to Vastu, termites in the windows and doors of the house indicate that there are a lot of negative energies in the house. It is believed that this can also have a serious effect on the health of the family to a great extent.


– It is believed that the presence of termites in the house can also lead to a situation of planetary conflict. At the same time, the financial condition of the person can also deteriorate.


– Termites in the house are also considered inauspicious because they fill the life with negativity completely. Due to which the ability of the person to think, understand and take decisions gradually decreases.


– Termites in the study room indicate that the child will not be able to concentrate on studies later or Maa Saraswati ji has been disrespected somewhere. Due to which she has got angry and has given these initial signs.

– Whenever the situation of termite infestation is seen in the beginning, do not ignore it even by mistake because it can increase inauspiciousness. Due to the increase in inauspiciousness, the person can also have problems like suffering and mental problems. Therefore, fix it in the beginning itself, it will be better and auspicious. Along with this, all kinds of problems will also go away.
