Panna Ratna: Those who believe in astrology know how much it can help them in living life properly. At the same time, astrology tells about some such gems which are very powerful. In such a situation, today we will tell you in detail about Emerald Gemstone. Emerald is directly related to the planet Mercury. Mercury is also considered to be the factor of intelligence.
First of all, know who should wear Emerald Gemstone
If we believe according to astrology, then Emerald Gemstone is considered to be one of the most auspicious and fruitful gems. The person who wears it, his chances of success increase by about a hundred times. Also, there are some zodiac signs for which wearing emerald is considered very good. The zodiac signs we are talking about are Capricorn and Aquarius. Emerald gemstone is very auspicious for the people of these zodiac signs.
Now know who should not wear emerald gemstone
If we believe in astrology, then Mercury’s Mahadasha is going on at the moment, so this is not the right time to wear emerald. At the same time, Aries, Sagittarius and Cancer should not wear emerald even by mistake.
How to wear emerald gemstone
If you want to wear emerald gemstone, then first of all take milk or Ganga water for it. Then chant the mantra of Mercury planet 108 times. Then wear the gemstone.
What are the benefits of wearing emerald
It is said that wearing emerald makes speech very effective and influential, as well as helps a lot in increasing memory power. Wearing emerald also increases skin diseases, kidney, stomach and mental power. Also, the house is always full of wealth and there are never any financial problems. Also, wearing emerald gemstone in the right hand never causes financial problems.