If you want to be debt free by 2025, then these simple solutions will come in handy!


Timesbull Desk

Vastu Tips: In Sanatan Dharma, many things have been told for achieving prosperity and progress in every sphere of life. By adopting them, every problem of life is eliminated from the root and the person gets progress. At the same time, it is also told in Vastu that how financial constraints can be strengthened and new means of earning money can also be found.

We will mention the things told according to Vastu, according to which if you are a victim of financial crisis or are in debt, then these remedies will prove to be very effective.

In such a situation, you also know about these special measures to get rid of debt:

Worship the goddess of wealth Lakshmi and Kuber ji with proper rituals

Actually, the south direction is considered very auspicious in Vastu Shastra. It has also been mentioned that this direction is also of wealth. In such a situation, if you want to get wealth or want to get rid of debt, then you can install the picture of Maa Lakshmi or Kuber ji towards the south direction. Also, keeping a ghee lamp lit in this direction in the morning and evening also frees you from debt and you get the blessings of Shani Dev.

Worship the Peepal tree

Friday and Saturday are especially important according to Vastu Shastra and astrology. To get rid of debt, getting up early in the morning, taking a bath and offering water on both these days removes all kinds of problems. Also, a person gets free from debt.

The direction of the safe should be in this direction

If we believe the experts of Vastu, then keeping the money cupboard in the north direction keeps the safe always full and never empty. Also, the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi are also received in this direction because the north direction is considered auspicious for keeping the money safe.

Repay the loan on Tuesday

According to astrology, Tuesday is considered the most auspicious day to repay the loan. In such a situation, repay the loan only after worshipping Hanuman ji with proper rituals. By the grace of God, you will never have to take a loan again.
