Bajaj Pulsar Dominates 150-200cc Bike Segment in February 2024

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Bajaj Pulsar : The thrill of cruising down the streets on a sleek two-wheeler has always been a fascination for Indian youth. In the realm of 150 to 200cc bikes, where power meets style, demand soars sky-high. Brands like Bajaj, TVS Apache, and Honda Unicorn have captured the hearts of bike enthusiasts nationwide.

Bajaj Pulsar: Reigning Champion

In the latest sales data for February 2024, Bajaj Pulsar emerges as the undisputed champion of the 150-200cc bike segment. With a staggering total of 46,219 units sold, Bajaj experiences a remarkable 74.16 percent annual increase. The magic of Pulsar’s design, performance, and affordability has truly resonated with consumers, propelling it to the top spot.

TVS Apache: Riding the Waves of Success

Hot on the heels of Bajaj Pulsar is the TVS Apache, securing the second position with 34,593 units sold. Known for its sporty appeal and dynamic performance, the Apache continues to be a crowd favorite among biking enthusiasts. Despite stiff competition, TVS Apache maintains a strong presence in the market, showcasing a commendable performance in sales.

Honda Unicorn: Soaring to New Heights

Claiming the third spot is the Honda Unicorn, with a notable increase in sales by 1490.22 percent, amounting to 21,293 units sold. The iconic design coupled with Honda’s reliability has propelled the Unicorn to success, solidifying its position as a top contender in the 150-200cc bike segment.

Yamaha FZ and R15: A Tale of Two Bikes

Yamaha’s FZ and R15 hold the fourth and fifth positions respectively in the sales chart. While FZ witnesses a slight decline in sales by 16.30 percent, R15 experiences a commendable increase by 44.58 percent. These contrasting performances reflect the diverse preferences of Indian bike enthusiasts, with Yamaha catering to varying tastes with its versatile lineup.

Other Contenders: A Look Beyond the Top Five

Delving deeper into the sales data, we find Yamaha MT15 securing the sixth position with 10,047 units sold, followed by Honda SP 160 and Hero XPULSE 200 at seventh and eighth positions respectively.

Hero Extreme 160R claims the ninth spot, showcasing a modest performance in sales. Surprisingly, KTM 200 secures the tenth position, highlighting its enduring popularity among biking enthusiasts.


In the fiercely competitive landscape of the 150-200cc bike segment, brands vie for consumer attention with innovative designs, cutting-edge technology, and robust performance. As evidenced by the latest sales data, Bajaj Pulsar emerges as the reigning champion, with TVS Apache and Honda Unicorn following closely behind.

With each brand bringing its unique charm to the table, the Indian biking scene continues to thrive, catering to the diverse preferences of enthusiasts nationwide. As we look ahead, one thing remains certain – the exhilarating journey of biking enthusiasts in India shows no signs of slowing down.

Narendra के बारे में
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Narendra मैं BJMC का छात्र हूं, में Manipal University Jaipur से अपनी पढ़ाई पूरी की है. मैनें Timesbull Group से 6 महीनें की इंटर्नशिप की है. मेरी जॉब की शुरुआत भी Timesbull Group से हुई है. Read More
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