What are the driving rules? Know here, So you can avoid heavy challan

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Driving Rules: It is very important to keep the traffic rules in mind while driving a car. Traffic rules are made keeping in mind the safety of people. These rules tell how the car should be driven, in what areas and how.

At the same time, for breaking these traffic rules, the person has to pay the fine from his own pocket. Let us tell you what things are important to keep in mind while driving.

Follow traffic signs

It is important to pay attention to traffic signals while driving. Red light in traffic signal means that you should stop the vehicle. Get ready to move when the yellow light comes on and the green light means you can now drive. Apart from this, also pay attention to signals like speed-limit sign, no-entry sign, one-way sign and zebra-crossing.

Pay attention to speed limits

Speed limits also vary on different types of roads. While you can drive at high speed on highways, this speed limit reduces somewhat in cities. For this, follow the speed limit mentioned on the sign board. You may have to pay a fine for going beyond this speed limit. Even your driving license may be canceled and you may have to serve jail sentence.

Seat belt and mobile phone

It is very important for the driver to wear seat belt while driving a car. Nowadays, the facility of alarm for wearing seat belt is also provided in vehicles, so that people can be instructed to wear seat belt while driving. Along with this, one should not talk with the phone in hand while driving.

On the other hand, if you are talking with the help of any Bluetooth connected device without holding the phone in your hand, then there will be no penalty on it. But if you are caught using your phone while driving, you can be fined.

Vehicle Registration and Insurance

Your vehicle must be registered with your regional transport office. Along with this, it is also necessary for the driver to have all these documents like motor insurance, third party liability coverage.

Parking rules

The car should be parked in the parking space only. There is no problem in parking the car in the parking area. But if you have not parked your car in the parking area. Then you may be fined.

Dev के बारे में
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Dev My name is Divesh, I am from Delhi, I am an English content writer. I like writing news on automobiles and I make automobile news reach people. I have 2 years of experience in this field and now I work with Timesbull.com. am doing Read More
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